In the early 1990s one could tell there was an upturn in ethusiast cars in Finland. American muscle cars, and both European and Japanese manufacturers, dominated kerb crawling at Finnish towns and villages as depicted in 1970s feature American Graffiti. However, track days were the hightlight of the season for Porsche enthusiasts. Throughout the 1980s organised track days became more and more familiar. Porsche Club Finland (PCF) organised a couple of track days with Sports Car Club of Helsinki (SCCH), but soon it became clear that events involving multible car makes would increase the desire to show both car and driver capabilities, which would soon become competition. During 1991 active SCCH members, with the help of a few enthusiast race drivers, established Historic Race Finland.
From the word go I was interested in possibility to compete with Porsches at club series level. In 1991 one was able to import a classic 911, above 25 years old, to Finland without import duties. I was so obsessed about the idea, that at the end of year 1990 I travelled to California with my wife Tiina. With the kind help of Antti Vihanto I purchased two 1965 911’s, and another two 1965 912’s. We got 4 Porsches to fill the shipping container, as the transport agency said that 4 Porsches would fit into one container.
Eventually the shipping container arrived to Turku, Finland, and for a while we pondered how we would get the cars unloaded. This time were were not importing our first time, as we had imported 1950s American cars previously. So we had a large whisky bottle with us, and we went to the back office where the dock workers were sitting, with our whisky bottle, and said we would very much appreciate help in unloading the cars. One problem was the unopened whisky bottle, what we would do with it, and the second problem was that we had shipping container full of cars. Well, both problems were solved quickly. While we went to the office to get the paperwork sorted out, the Porsches were laid outside nicely arranged. The dock workers were already drunk from the whisky, and were wondering drunk around the docks. That worked out a treat.
Despite cars being over 25 years old, one would have to pay VAT and reduced rate import duties. Of those 4 Porsches, one ended up in Oulu, one went through Hanko to Tampere, and I was left with a 911 and 912. My thought was to build FIA accredited 911 historic race car, so we started building the car at various locations. Pekka Wiik helped out with the electrics, Luuppala in Huittinen constructed the roll cage, Janne Laitinen helped with assembling the components, and I finished the car with Rami Reunanen. I raced the first “Grand Race” of Historic Race Finland -race in 1991, of which I prize which was 4 litres of Esso motor oil. I sold the oil straight away to a fellow competitor, which enabled his car to make the trip home. The car fas finally completely finished at the end of 1992.
During winter 1992 through 1993 we thought about the idea of our own team, which would bring sponsorship money and press coverage, with the right devotion. However, apparently nothing has changed, one would really devote himself to get sponsorship.
We had a meeting with Rami where we discussed strategy, and we decided to establish a firm called Green X, and we registered an auxiliary business names Amigos Racing, Amigos Tex Mex Cantina, and Spade Cadets. The names perhaps show my twisted sense of humour, but despicte this, Green-X and Amigos Racing are still in existence, albeit separate lmited companies.
One of the names under consideration was Tortilla Flat, which I thought would fit well the Mexican theme. The reason behind Mexican influence was probably the 5 years I spent in New Mexico, and taste for Mexican food. During those years Leningrad Cowboys florished, and Sakke Järvenpää established Cantina West, and TexMex food was scorhing hot too.
Matti Kylämarkula
Amigos Racing
Founding member
Amigos Racing
Since 1993